Payment of costs of medicines :
payment of costs of drugs in the first ================== Rp 2.457 million , -
payment of costs of medicines in II ================= Rp 4.536 million , -
payment of costs of drugs in III ================= Rp 4.436 million , -
( The cost of drugs is 1 % of the cost of feed)
income Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya Sales of eggs the first year of Rp 384 749 920 ================================ , -
Sales in the second egg =============================== Rp 615.6 million , -
Sales in the third eggs =============================== Rp 615.6 million , -
Sales culling ducks 2 x 1.425 x Rp 2,000 - Rp 5,700,000 ================= , -
Agribusiness Opportunity
Eggs and duck meat export commodity which can provide a big advantage . The need for eggs and meat international market is huge and still not balanced from existing inventory . It can be seen that only two countries Thailand and Malaysia, which became the largest exporting country . Until now, duck farming is still a commodity that promise to be developed intensively .
Bambang Suharno , Ir . and Khairul Amri . Intensive breeding ducks . Publisher Self spreader . 1998
Editorial Trubus . Raising Ducks CV . 2000 - INT . Publisher Self spreader . 1999
Prawoto ; Duck breeders . Village of the district on your site . Parks Pemalang , Central Java 52361
Rural Community Economic Development Project - Coconut No. Jl.Sunda BAPPENAS . 7 Jakarta , Tel . 021 390 9829 , Fax . 021 390 9829
of the State Minister for Research and Technology , Correctional Deputy
of Administrative and Technology , BPPT Building II, 6th Floor , Jl . No. M.H.Thamrin . 8 , Jakarta 10340 , Indonesia , Tel . +62 21 316 9166 ~ 69 , Fax . +62 21 310 1952 , Website : Ranch ducks in Indonesia is still small so it needs to be cultivated commercially and intensive . This
is necessary because of the population growth continues to increase
every year around 1.25 % and the increasing purchasing power . This duck egg needs now is not sufficient market demand , both in the form of fresh eggs and processed eggs and fresh eggs . Therefore , PT . NATURAL NUSANTARA with the principles of the K - 3 - Quantity -
Quality Sustainability is constantly helping her laying ducks denagn
cultivation target of increasing the quality and quantity of eggs and
meat .
Productivity of Laying Ducks
Seasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014Laying ducks productivity can be improved , which is capable of producing 200-250 eggs grain / head / year . Productivity can be improved by laying ducks pattern of semi-intensive and intensive maintenance . Ducks were able to produce throughout the year , except ducks are experiencing hair loss .
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