Beautify blog with a touch - a touch of interesting image is very important to attract the visitors . But too many images also affect loading your blog .To juggle your blog so different with a blog - other blogs , the way this one can be applied on your blog is made with a touch Blog Header Photo Scape .
Here's how to design a blog header alat bantu sex :
1 . Open your aflikasi Photo Scape .2 . Click the Editor .3 . Click Menu .4 . Click New Photo .5 . Adjust the size and select Header color of your choice. Usually I use Dimensions Width
1800 and Height 100 . Then click Ok .6 . Click Object , to design your blog header image . Once the design is complete , ,7 . Click Save .8 . Click Save As .9 . Give your name in the header file . Then click Save .10 . Set Quality and Size . Then Click Ok .11 . You 've been able to get out of your aflikasi Photo Scape .12 . Log in to your Blogger account .13 . On your dashboard page , click More options .14 . Click Layout .
15 . Click Edit in the header of your blog .16 . Click Choose File from your computer .17 . Find the Header image was created with Photo Scape earlier .
If you have found , click on the header image , and click Open .18.Tunggu moment , is in the process .19 . When you have finished , click Save .20 . See the results on your blog21 . Done .
1 ) Choose an appropriate background .The selection of the background is the pulau tidung most important case ye children . It's up to you , boy bright color background , or dark gray smoke . Average newbie fond of using background ANIMATED . You know what is animated background ? CLICK HERE Cuba , it is one such example . O God , come ride squint eye movements tu LOVE . Eye korang berpinar not to ? 0-0 ' Lazy boy looking background ? Korang may refer kat TUTORIAL Lina . Lina there selitkan some background cross beam . Just click the navigation :)
2 ) Header interesting .The chapters header ni , Lina header look like a simple but interesting . In the past , when Lina first air- blogging , Lina header kemain allssss you big ye , ni nak expelled bijik eyes . Korang just need a little idea and creative . Lina was not creative , but I try , try and try until I satisfied . Lina suggest korang to Adobe Photoshop and GIMP Photoscape than tu . Korang there needs to be confidence when ni nak create headers . But , remember . Do not use fonts that may be forced to make visitors to the blog korang ZOOM - IN and ' PENINGs ' font . Got it ? And then , look for a doodle which may make visitors captivated korang blog , hehe . Header tu do very crowded , simple already :)Lina Ni header during the early blogging . Pushes you , slanting here and there, haha ! Ha'ah , indeed BAD : D
3 ) The composition of the container widget .Haa , ni one more thing that is important . If there berterabur korang widgets here , one right kat obat aborsi widget , the widget left kat , kat bottom of the widget , the widget above kat . Ape tu ? Dah kinds Lina rivet look . One more , the arrangement of widgets ni know the most important element , if not boxed arrangement of widgets , blogs confirm hangpa not pretty . The composition symbolizes kekemasan korang widgets , so people would deem korang , ' Oh , must pack his slave ni , blogs also pack ' . / / / See, Lina itself will appear when the conversation sorts tu blog :) Widget containers that need korang layout is as follows :
Followers ( Do not use the follower widget LIKE THIS )
Shoutbox ( In order to facilitate visitors to the blog leave orders . Kemaskan shoutmix tu , not for long fibers and berjela )
BLOG archive ( Create scrollbox because if korang ni kind of like updated 24 hours , it will be a long Blog ) .
Korang self introduction , it's mean your bio-data . Ye, just for that quick , no need to declare the name bf korang , younger brother or sister been lifted korang )
Anything long as you think it is useful .
Do not locate objects ni ne , may cause the laptop / computer hangs korang instantly . Indeed cross beam , but not crowded like . BELIEVE ME :)
4 ) Do not use the shoutbox sliding or ajax shoutbox .Examples SLIDING shoutbox is like THIS TUTORIAL . In the past , Lina likes ni ne thing , but there are a few blogger Lina scolds just make regular shoutbox shoutbox because sometimes wide - jem tu be it a laptop , a laptop mean so moist . Sign je , ni shoutbox sudden exit . Press CLOSE , uh uh , come out behind . It's really annoying okay ? May cause korang blog visitors a sense of je fool , I said the truth - , - So , just use ordinary shoutbox .
5 ) Color selection blog .Korang need to be wise in terms of color selection ni blog . Lina stimulate it was korang to the cheerful colors and color selection contact jugak harmony . You know harmony ? Hehe . Korang should dah studied Visual Arts Education ( PSV ) kat right school , so must know the color harmony korang tu ape . If taktahu , go looking through a book PSV korang , haha ! Examples of interesting flavors Lina colors in the blog is like the color GREEN , BLUE , PURPLE and PINK .
Post By : Pengobatan Alternatif dan Obat pembesar Penis Vimax
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