Good soil for cultivation of carrot is soil

Good soil for cultivation of carrot is soil rich in organic matter, with low salinity and does not contain toxic compounds. Manure is used as fertilizer base, 1.5 kg / m 2. Fertilizers such as urea 100 kg / ha, 100 kg TSP / ha and 30 kg KCl / ha.Taruhan Bola Online

5. Maintenance
Watering is done in accordance with the conditions of the soil to field capacity conditions. If the air is very hot, watering is done 1-2 times a day. Watering can also ddilakukan to inundate the trench. Weeding is done carefully by hand. This is done due to the high plant density conditions, revocation of weeds which inadvertently can damage plant roots. Weeding can be done in conjunction with crop thinning. Thinning is done by unplugging the weak plants and leaves healthy and sturdy plants. Thinning is done to give the distance and insufficient sunlight. Pembumbunan needs to be done to cover the root tubers from appearing green in the tuber.

6 Control of Plant Pest Organisms (OPT)
Fumigation is done to control nematodes in the soil. Before doing the fumigation should be checked in advance whether the soil contained nematodes or not. Solarization is an alternative way of controlling nematodes other than by way of fumigation. Solarize soil by closure with plastic mulch for approximately 6 weeks depending on the ambient temperature. High soil temperatures are expected to shut down plant pests in the soil. The use of extracts of marigold (Tagetes sp.) Can also be used to control nematodes in the soil. Crop rotation can be done to prevent the development of plant pests (OPT). Diseases that can attack plants such as carrots carotae Cercospora, Alternaria dauci, and black rot or blight. Control can be done by planting h
Roller Blindsealthy seeds, crop rotation, field sanitation and revoke the affected plants.

7 Harvest and Postharvest
Carrots can be harvested after the age of 100 days (depending on variety). Performed late harvest will cause so unpopular woody tuber consumers. Harvesting is done by pulling the roots and tubers along with will be made easier if the soil before digemburkan. Harvesting should be done in the morning.

1 Make sure the planting medium is always wet. You may need to flush your carrots twice a day when the weather is hot and hot. Do not let the growing medium dry out long before the carrots especially removing the green leaves.

2 Cut the green part of the leaf that reaches a height of one inch.

3 If the green looks crooked, give additional soil media. The roots will not form when bent branch.

Pulau Pramuka
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